What’s This Really About?

My sister-in-law told me that my brother asks a slightly annoying, but incredibly insightful, question if they ever come to loggerheads...

"What's this really about?"

I can see how, in the depths of a disagreement, this question can be frustrating but I also adore the invitation is gives us to look beneath the surface.

You see, beneath most headaches is a heartache; a wound unhealed, a story made fact, an unspoken desire, a fear. It's our job, as students of Yoga, to study ourselves (Svadhyaya - one of the Niyamas), to practise self-awareness and self discovery.

Think of how much insight we could gain if we regularly asked ourselves
"if I could guess, knowing that there's no right answer, where is this coming from?"

Svadhyaya is one part of the Yoga practise that has completely, and I mean completely, changed my life; to observe how I think, how I interact with the world, and how I receive others has opened my eyes to the complex inner workings of the human experience.

I find that the thing I'm reacting to is rooted to so much more than the initially perceivable; it usually comes from a wound, a fear or a story within me; not the other party. Doing this allows me to take responsibility, and care, for the part of me that is driving the response.

So, my invitation to you this week is to ask yourself "What's this really about?"

Remember there's no right answer, there's no-one listening, no-one to prove yourself to. Simply take yourself on a journey of enquiry and see where you end up.

Always with love, Katie xx


I'm Exactly Where I'm Meant to Be. - A Meditation


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